Richard Strauss: VIER LETZTE LIEDER | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
March 2002
The recordings to be discussed and the timings for the individual songs are:
The various timings are interesting to compare:
Detailed Reviews: 1. Auger/Previn, (1988). Arleen Auger's glistening soprano might not be as dramatic as some of the others being considered here, but her pure, clean vocalism and intuitive musicianship more than make up for it. Her early death deprived us of a talented singer whose musicianship and technique were impeccable. Auger sings beautifully, if a bit introspectively, but nothing is forced or overblown and the high B is solid. This is the only recording to blend the soprano voice with the orchestral texture, as another instrument rather than compete it against it (something Strauss preferred). Everything she does here is beautifully done. Previn's tempi are consistently more measured than they need to be but the glorious Vienna Philharmonic - so at home in the music of Strauss - gives Auger impeccable support. Their stunning virtuosity is on continuous display. I like this recording but wish Previn's tempi were a bit more energized. It is in the top four. 2. Caballé/Lombard, (1976). Montserrat Caballé sang the FOUR LAST SONGS on occasion. She had a sizeable instrument when she wanted to open it up, though it could have a hard edge to it at times, and her ability to sing incredibly soft, floated pianissimi (considered fake by many) and long phrases without taking a breath would seem to make her the ideal performer for this music. It is not the case here. Her eccentric way of producing sound ruins her efforts. She plays with too many of the notes, half-singing many of them, sliding up to and crooning many others. Her high B is excellent but very overblown in "Frühling," as is much of her singing. She was closely miked while the orchestra is very much in the background and not miked well at all. "Frühling" is spiritless in Lombard's hands, as is "Im Abendrot," taken at a lugubrious 9:16 but the other two songs are well paced. This recording is best avoided. 3. Della Casa/Böhm, (1953). This was the first commercial recording of the FOUR LAST SONGS, with Böhm and the Vienna Philharmonic, in mono, coming only three years after the world premiere. The order of the songs was as it was at the premiere, with "Beim Schlafengehn" being first. Lisa Della Casa's youthful timbre and clean vocalism was ideal for Mozart and some Strauss but it was never as large as it needed to be, and while her work is very good, one is aware that she doesn't have enough voice for these songs. Böhm prefers very fast tempi - some of the fastest - that don't really work, robbing this music of its inherent lyricism and only "Beim Schlafengehn" is realistically paced. The recording has a 50-ish sound with the voice being very prominent. I find it strange that Böhm, known for his attraction to Strauss, never recorded them again in stereo. Leave this at Tower Records. 4. Eaglen/Runnicles, (1999). Jane Eaglen - today's reigning Wagnerian soprano - continues to be widely criticized for much of her work, as she was for this recording of the FOUR LAST SONGS. The pinched, shrillness that often affects her top voice is only occasionally evident here, but there is an intrusive vibrato (almost a wobble) that mars many phrases. Yet, her musicianship is very good and her voice possesses an ineffable human, endearing quality to it. There is some superb vocalism here. An excellent high B, in "Frühling," beautiful shading at "tut er die müdgewordnen" in "September," and the 15 bars that conclude "Beim Schlafengehn" are beautifully vocalized. Her bottom voice handles the low notes easily. "So tief im Abendrot" is somewhat dramatic, but it is an interpretive affect that I like. The London Symphony plays well under Runnicles, whose support is solid, but he needs to flesh out a great many more orchestral details than he does. "September" is a bit expansive but otherwise Runnicles' tempi are excellent - particularly for "Im Abendrot" which has an ebb and flow of quite resignation to it. Even with the wobble, this recording is in the top four. 5. Flagstad/Furtwängler, (1950). Kirsten Flagstad in 1950 wasn't as freely voiced as she was in 1940, yet her vocalism here is nonetheless full-throated, with all of her endearing vocal traits and superb musicianship. In truth, there has never been such a magnificent voice as this. She sounds uncomfortable in "Frühling," and she sings a lower G instead of the high B, and she sings a C instead of a B natural on "Tritt" at bar 46 in "Im Abendrot." But her ability to caress words is spectacular and her "zu leben" in "Beim Schlafengehn" is exquisite. Alas, Furtwängler was in a hurry. "Frühling," is incredibly fast and driven and his tempi in the other songs are also brisk, except for "Im Abendrot" which he paces beautifully. Flagstad sang these songs on a couple of other occasions but always omitted "Frühling," Certainly worth hearing for Flagstad's incomparable sound but this recording has only limited appeal. 6. Fleming/Eschenbach, (1995). Pretentious music-making at its worst. Both of these 'legends-in-their-own-minds' turn out a horrid performance. While Fleming can deliver some lovely vocalism, particularly some exquisitely floated A's; her sound tends to spread on occasion, with a hollow quality in her upper voice that she has resolutely refused to fix (beautifully demonstrated on the G in "So tief im Abendrot"). She adds a number of odd sounds to vowels and pitch is sometimes wayward. She sounds bored. Most egregious of all is the ever-boring, ever third-rate Eschenbach. Apparently he thinks Andante means Largo. His pacing for all four songs is excruciatingly slow, with "September" being particularly lifeless at 5:29. This recording contributes nothing to our understanding of these songs. It is a total misfire and best avoided. 7. Hendricks/Swallisch, (1994). Barbara Hendricks has nowhere near enough voice for these songs, there is no bottom voice to speak of, and her fluttery vibrato is intrusive. Swallisch is metronomic throughout and rushes phrases that should be allowed to breathe. The sound favors the singer and is otherwise string-heavy. Another misfire. 8. Janowitz/Karajan, (1973). The problem with this performance is Karajan's uneven, eccentric, tempi, demonstrating an arrogance that marred a great deal of his work. The first three songs are saddled with overly expansive, sluggish tempi that simply rob them of life (it takes him 6:18 to get through "Beim Schlafengehn") but "Im Abendrot" is on the fast side, the opening taken at breakneck speed, but he must slow down at bar 20 for the soprano's entrance, a common mistake. Gundula Janowitz sings quite well throughout, though her sound is far from pure and there is a hollow quality to it. Some of the big notes are very overblown. Not a misfire due to the wealth of orchestral detail that one hears, along with the beautiful playing by the Berlin Philharmonic, but this is a highly eccentric reading that is far too frustrating for me to enjoy. 9. Kanawa/A. Davis. (1978). Kiri Te Kanawa sings well enough here, soaring easily up to the high A's and the high B in "Frühling," but her bottom voice is fuzzy or non-existent, and overall these performances are lifeless, without much spirit. Andrew Davis' tempi are satisfactory except for "Frühling" which is overly brisk. But as is the case with him, he is much too cerebral and just not very exciting, much less passionate. His work is incredibly dull. Kanawa's voice is placed very forward, and the orchestra is not well miked. Te Kanawa fans have long considered this recording one of her best, but I don't. 10. Kanawa/Solti. (1990). This was Kiri Te Kanawa's second recording of these songs and I find it an improvement over her 1978 recording. Her voice here seems fuller, that raspy quality her sound often had is all but gone, but her bottom voice is still non-existent. Despite a few straight tones, she is captured in glorious, poised, mature voice. She displays excellent vocalism, and one can hear the influences of a 'first class' conductor on her work. She plays with many phrases effectively, softening them, adding color and interesting shading. Solti is the problem. He paces the first three songs nicely but races through "Im Abendrot" as if he were on fire. Even then, he is in one of his impatient, agitated, driven moods that were common with him. "Im Abendrot" in particular is taken at such a breakneck speed that it is utterly ruined. He does observe a number of Strauss' markings in the score, and is considerate of Te Kanawa, slackening his relentless pace somewhat when she is singing, but he just refuses to let this music breathe. The Vienna Philharmonic plays magnificently in spite of him. A very driven, highly charged, virtuoso performance that is anything but "autumnal" in feeling. This recording could have been definitive but in reality is very disappointing, one that I can't enjoy. The novelty of it is that it contains the first recording of "Malven." 11. Mattila/Abbado, (1998). Karita Mattila's performances here are acceptable, but not as cleanly vocalized as they could be, and if the instrument is a great one (I don't hear it), the technique is not. She does many odd things: an annoying hint of straight tone on too many notes; too much pressure on the high notes that causes them to widen and loose focus; German that is fractured; a hesitancy to hit notes squarely. While I usually like generous amounts of portamento, hers sounds calculated. She hooks the G in "So tief im Abendrot," re-vocalizing the E-flat before it. Odd. Yet, she produces some lovely sound in all four songs, lifting beautifully into the B in "Frühling," and she floats some lovely A's and G's. She changes the text dramatically on the low "Augen zu" at the end of "September" to be able to vocalize it, but even then it is all but inaudible. Abbado offers superb support but his tempi are on the slow side. He scrupulously observes Strauss' markings and he doesn't over-do the fortes. The Berlin Philharmonic plays beautifully for him. The crescendo before "So tief im Abendrot" is marvelous. These performances should have been much better than they are. I found them disappointing. 12. Norman/Masur, (1982). Jessye Norman was always a singer in search of a voice and a technique and never seemed to find either. Her recording of the FOUR LAST SONGS is dismal, displaying vocalism that is hollow sounding, or shrill, and overblown with a shaky vibrato. Her top spreads and is thin on the high B and there is no bottom voice to speak of. Her "So tief im Abendrot" is very slow, but sung quietly with a correct sense of resignation. I wish the rest of her work here were as good. Just as Solti is unrelentingly driven, Masur is unrelentingly slow and lifeless. This dreary affair is a misfire. 13. Popp/Tennstedt, (1982). Lucia Popp also died much too young, and as with Auger, we lost a singer of superb musicianship. Hers was a lovely instrument, with its crystalline sheen and focus, and she produced some exquisite recordings. This is one of them. A few high notes seem to spread and lose focus. There is the occasional straight tone and her vibrato was always on the fast side but none of this mars her performance. Again, the problem I have with this recording is the deadly slow tempi. Tennstedt breathes no life into this vibrant music. His readings are measured and colorless. The Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra plays well enough, but there is an occasional raggedness to their work, possibly due to the slow tempi. This performance is certainly worth hearing for Popp's radiant vocalism but Tennstedt's work is very disappointing. It's not one of my favorites. 14. Price/Leinsdorf, (1973). For me, Leontyne Price was always a difficult singer to enjoy. The best part of her voice was her top, with its beautiful, shimmering focus. Her rich middle voice was always compromised by strange vocal mannerisms, sometimes croony, blousy vocalism, and a peculiar vibrato. She possessed the ugliest bottom voice of any singer I can name. These performances are undistinguished, though her high B in "Frühling" is magnificent. Price sounds uncomfortable with these songs, perhaps due to Leinsdorf's superficial support and of course the higher songs fare better than the lower ones. Leinsdorf was mostly a hack, and always preferred faster tempi while his interpretive abilities were lack-luster. "Beim Schlafengehn" is very hurried while "Im Abendrot" is bland. A ho-hum, rather ordinary performance, for Price fans exclusively. 15. Schwarzkopf/Ackermann, (1953). Elizabeth Schwarzkopf recorded the "Vier letzte Lieder" three times; this is her first recording and is in monophonic sound. Her voice was in fresher, freer shape in 1953 than it would be in later years. Her sound always had it peculiarities, sometimes thin, pinched and shrill. Yet, she does some wonderful work here, and her vocal mannerisms are not as pervasive as they would become later. "Frühling" is a bit of a challenge for her, as is the high B but she grabs it and hangs on. It is sung in the correct key. She gives us some lovely portamenti in "September," great attention to the text, and the final "zu" is almost whispered as the French horn begins the concluding measures. She does her best singing in "Beim Schlafengehn," with an impressive and beautiful B-flat on the final phrase. I don't like Ackermann's brisk tempi for the first three songs, but he paces "Im Abendrot" superbly, and Schwarzkopf sings "So tief im Abendrot" gorgeously, with a nice portamento from the G. The Philharmonia Orchestra plays very well but is distant. In spite of the dated mono sound, brisk tempi for the first three songs, and Schwarzkopf's eccentric vocalism, I enjoy this performance and put it in the top four. 16. Schwarzkopf/Szell, (1966). Elizabeth Schwarzkopf's third recording of the FOUR LAST SONGS was the first to be issued in stereophonic sound. As such, it became a definitive recording from the outset and is still considered in those terms by its many admirers. Her performances here are pretty grim. By 1966, Schwarzkopf's sound was riddled with technical difficulties and her curdled vocalism was often challenging to listen to. She has to continually husband her resources here, produces exaggerated vowel sounds, and displays a hooty, pinched tone throughout. "Frühling" is taken a half-step down due no doubt to her inability to handle the high B, but it's inexcusable, and why Szell of all people permitted this is a mystery, probably at the insistence of Walter Legge, the producer and Schwarzkopf's husband. In spite of the awful vocalism, Schwarzkopf brings intuitive insight to much of the text and shades words incredibly well, as one would expect from someone so experienced in the German Romantic Lied. The Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra plays very well under Szell, and his tempi are on the slow side, particularly "September" which is as slow as Tenndstedt's, but "Beim Schlafengehn" is nicely paced. If one can stand Schwarzkopf's eccentric vocalism, a lugubrious "September" and the wrong key for "Frühling," this performance has a certain degree of appeal, but not to me. 17. Studer/Sinopoli, (1993). Cheryl Studer never possessed the world's most beautiful instrument, nor did she use it well and her squally, often-erratic, often wobbly vocalism kept her popularity at modest levels. However, she is in good voice here, and tries very hard to make a beautiful sound. Most of the time she does. Her high B in "Frühling" is good, if a bit pinched, but the ending of "September" is exquisite, softly as indicated, the 9 bar conclusion beginning "langsam tut er die müdgeworden" is beautifully shaded and sweetly sung, but the concluding "augen zu" challenges her poor bottom voice. Giuseppe Sinopoli - not a favorite of mine due to his often very erratic tempi - chooses them brilliantly here. For me, his tempi are perfect and the Staatskapelle Dresden - an orchestra not to be underestimated - has a marvelously sweet tone and plays superbly. The engineers put Studer in your face; it's a pity the recording was not balanced better. I can't say that I really like Studer's sound, but this is a surprisingly good performance, and thanks to Sinopoli it belongs in the top four, joining Auger, Eaglen and Schwarzkopf/Ackermann. 18. Voigt/Masur, (1999). This commercial recording was taken from a live performance in New York. Voigt sings well enough, making some beautiful sounds, as she always does, but the result is dull and uninvolved, as it always is. She sounds uncomfortable in these songs, especially in "Frühling," and her high B seems tentative. Masur's tempi are more respectable here than they were for Norman, though he still prefers slower tempi for "September" and "Beim Schlafengehn" but not for "Im Abendrot" which is a bit brisk. Hardly definitive.
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